The Impatient Syndrome

My inner voice always had the best of answers and the ideal most of solutions to all the questions and problems I ever faced. The mini-me having been both my best and worst critic was a very intellectual fabrication that I had come to know, for my mind was never at rest, it constantly threw around bits of information and kept analyzing the source the origin the realm, off course never arriving at one single unravelment but multiple of choices and possibilities. Despite of all this i blissfully chose to stay in denial for why should i lose out on making mistakes ever?!
So when the court went ahead and canceled the 6 month cooling off period for divorce, my mind went on a hyperdrive. Till now every mutual divorce applied in the court was given a 6 month of a mandatory separation period if in case their decision of divorce was hurried. The 6 month mandatory separation would often involve both the parties to go through counseling so as to mend the differences and safeguard the relationship. That had always made a lot of sense to me, for I knew the statistics very well that 50% of marriages end in divorce and this quote had off late become one of the most used quote the minute anyone would bring up the sensitive topic of divorce or marriage for that matter.
That being said, I also knew the flip side of the new rule, which meant a couple now could get divorced in less than a week. That meant words like persistence, perseverance, patience, pursuance were all out of the dictionary. Despite of being a millennial and a Sci-Fi fanatic, I have also always been a believer of the sanctity and institution of marriage. True, a lot of marriages don't work out but us millennials have conveniently developed the process of taking the easy way out ! " It isn't working out..let's get divorced". I do believe that if things don't work out then there isn't a reason to stay, however if things don't work out then how far do we go to the extent of resolving the issues? How far do we go to check the possibility of the differences being reconciled?
Let's rewind a bit here, a marriage is a lot of hard work to begin with. Easily our generation has started rushing into a marriage without being prepared just because its the marriageable age, more so peer pressure. Let's take a moment to beam at our previous generation where marriages lasted forever on the timeline. For one, I idolize my parents bond which has only grown strong against all odds and I constantly wonder the secret recipe. Probably that's where our generation is going wrong for they think marriage is a piece of cake, why would it be otherwise when they have seen generations of successful marriages before them? What we do tend to forget is that we don't possess the same attributes that our previous generation did , the same attributes of perseverance, patience, pursuance, persistence!
So, to wind up , my opinion says that the new cancellation of 6 months separation rule only adds or rather encourages us impatient millennials to end things where instead they could be easily mended and given a new direction, a new life.