Interstellar – Genius on Polaroid !

Movie Criticism has never been my forte, for I do not consider myself that knowledgeable when it comes to movies, for I know there are a zillion movies out there which are too good to be true and mind-numbing that I am yet to see. Hence, the below is in no way a movie review, it’s just my experience of watching one of the greatest Sci-Fi movies ever.
Ever since I was introduced to Nolan’s movies, by choice (corny) I would try to align myself to at least one movie character. I guess some(great) movies do that to you, force you to behave in a particular(Read: Bipolar) way. I watched Memento, and I started believing that I suffered from anterograde amnesia, I watched Prestige and I thought I could manipulate people with magic, I saw Batman Begins and I started praying to Ra’s Al Ghul every time I needed to conquer my fears, with Inception I wondered if I could extract and incept ideas from others, and the list goes on. But with Interstellar, I probably broke my record of Delusion.

The last couple weeks I have been reading and googling about different physics theories; Quantum physics to be precise – String theory, Theory of Relativity, Gravity, Singularity, Concepts of Wormholes, Tesseracts, Blackholes, Dimensions, Bootstrap Paradox, Landers, Rangers, you name it, I got it !! My Paranoia had got the best of me even before I had ventured into watching the movie. And D-Day finally happened. By choice I decided to watch the movie all by myself, because with company I can always expect my chain of thoughts being broken constantly with questions like “What happened? Why is he behaving like that? What did he say? What does it mean? He could have escaped that right? How did he get there? Was it necessary?” (!!!) I realized the movie deserved my 100% concentration and I dint want to miss even a single scene, come what may. Hence there we were, me and my large bucket of caramel popcorn(exception of a company that doesn’t talk back to you), basking in the glory of getting a corner seat on Row A, completely pleased with all the seclusion. By the end of 169minutes, I realized that it was probably the best spent movie stub of my life.

(Spoilers may follow below)

The movie on the whole is very gripping regardless of few major setbacks. The most important one being the Chicken/Egg scenario. Which happened first- Cooper sending Morse and Binaries to Murph or Murph decoding them first? How did Cooper re-enter back to our Solar system from Gargantua? Even if we assume that Gargantua is a gentle Blackhole, still everything is lost once anything enters a Blackhole. Even if we further assume that he probably skimmed Gargantua and entered the Tesseract instead, how did the Tesseract propel him back to our Solar system? How many earth years did Cooper lose since he was in the Tesseract and the next scene when he awakes in the hospital bed? Were those many years enough for the bulk beings in building a whole new world and relocate?

Even though I haven’t read Kip Throne’s “Science behind Interstellar”, I’m sure there are a lot of places which Nolan manipulated just to get a dramatic plot and a happy ending. Let’s not forget, how non-grey his protagonist has gotten since Inception. For me however, the hero of the movie has to be TARS. He’s not just a steel box, he is a super intelligent robot, he can think at the speed of light, lunge through a water filled planet, capture complex quantum data from a Blackhole and do yet other never ending geeky stuff( Double Heave!!)

If you thought Inception was the end of it, then hold your horses for Interstellar will twist your mind in the most unexpected way. It’s even a Visual marvel, as I read in one of Throne’s articles that never before had they obtained such concrete simulations of the Blackhole before. And boy does it look so real !

I have secretly taken an oath to watch this movie for as many number of times as possible with the same gloated excitement as the first time.

Cheers! (from the 5th dimension ;))


Apporva said…
Nice write up Shalini & I too have same experiences with Chris movies every time I see them !!!

By no means, I am trying to cross you on your understanding of the movie but certainly I do feel sense of moral responsibility to fill you in for the loop holes

First, on Chicken & Egg story, at the end of the movie audience get to know the fact that "Future form of human beings == Unknown Intelligence" had created the warm hole to save humanity & Cooper was chosen one to be transcending from present to future. He gets into 5th dimension from where he can just not see the past (Sending Morse + Binary for NASA Location) but can also act upon the present (Sending Singularity data of Black Hole). Yes it is unclear for how many earth years Cooper stayed in 5th Dimension / Tesseract but since he was inside rotating black hole (Different from regular black holes), I feel it is possible to get out of it using the same singularity data extracted from it :) And I chose to believe that those many years were sufficient enough for human beings to get advanced & make new transit base (Cooper Station) near Saturn

And, Cooper never returns into our solar system, he is being rescued by NASA rangers orbiting in another galaxy (Probably hunting life sustaining planets) but having base in Cooper Station (Transit Point for human beings to go to next available planet)

Hope all your concerns have been addressed. Let me give you new concern seeing your enthusiasm; "Why Cooper station was in round shape ?"

Happy Group Therapy Session :)
From Edmund's Planet
Unknown said…
Thnx Apporva, you did quite help me out of my dilemma !
I thought Cooper station was on our Solar system.
To answer your riddle- May be its the data from Gargantua, also the station must have been built keeping in mind the 5th dimension.
Unknown said…
Also since u say Cooper station is a transit point, then it must be revolving/rotating as well, probably faster than earth, hence it's round :)
Muddy said…
You said in the beginning this was not a review, so there is nothing out here that ought to influence me to go watch this movie. Anyway, I get a lot of 'interstellar' experiences while driving to college everyday. Autos buzz past like meteorites. BMTC buses are asteroids. Beggars and Transvestites appear like they come from another planet. All along the road lies shit lined with worm-holes. And then one day I saw a municipality worker emerging from an open manhole - guess that made up for the black-hole experience.

Belated birthday wishes to you buddy.
Unknown said…
Haha very funny Ching! And Thank you :)

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