City Of Joy
"...yea she'll figure out what to pack, let us know if you need anything".
I personally believe that i'm a lite packer and i always swore to carrying just a single backpack, but relocating was a whole new story. Anyways after a much ado, i landed in Kolkata. I still remember when i stepped out of the airport i felt the whole background was singing "...this girl is on fire....this girl is on fire..." thanks Alicia Keys for bringing up the literal context!
I always had a soft corner for the bong culture and the minute i stepped into the city i knew i needed a fresh pair of eyes, i had to let go of everything i have known about this city before and i in no way should bring up any comparision. It was hard for me to believe that this is a Metro, for the city looked so very simple, much like an old oil painting, many places even battered. It was highly populated for one, and very humid too. I have spent about more than two months in the city observing and learning from every experience. I could blindly swear by the yummylicious bong food which is one of a kind. People here are very kind and generous too. I feel extremely proud that in such a short span i have learnt good amount of bengali and can confidentally throw in few lines:
"...daada, Shapoorji jaaben kii?"
"..koto taaka?"
"ekto gulab jamun dau"
The city which is widely famous for Durga Pujo had me participating this time and was i thrilled! Every nook and corner had a pendal and the festivities took me by surprise. I had never in my life seen such enthusiasm, it was like the entire city came together to celebrate. Everyone was off for pujo that too for an entire week. No shops no banks no offices, everything remained shut. The entire city was brimming with positivity, no wonder i spotted a lot of foreigners and travellers basking in all the festive intoxication.
Kolkata also has a wide variety of commutation. One can travel in bus, shared autos, taxis, metros, cycle rickshaws, trams and for people like me who stay outskirts , we have a special mode of transport called or rather what i would like to call it tuktuki ! It looks exactly like a bail-gaadi but the difference is its driven by motor instead of a bail. For some reason every time i take a ride on it i remember the movie Swades(story of a man who works with Nasa but quits to come down to his village, back to his roots to help the poor).
A lot of my bengali friends feel sad that despite of the rich culture and heritage the city has to offer, it's dying and withering away with no commercial growth. I do agree, the people here are in no hurry to change their status quo, they are in peace leading a simple life. Regardless, I believe that more than anything its an experience and that everyone should visit Kolkata at least once in a life time.